Monday, June 4, 2012

Pictures from the Organic Farm Visit

Here are pictures from the organic farm we visited and toured yesterday.

Lunch at the organic farm. Pork Fajitas, rice, beans, plantain chips, and more!

Mr. Fruitt milking a goat.

Mr. Norment milking a goat.

Bradford milking a goat.

Group shot with the goat as Javier milks it.

Learning about the organic farm

Hearing about the pigs

Bradford checking out the pigs


Feeding the pigs lunch

Stillman feeding the pigs

Mr. Fruitt feeding the pigs

Will trying to feed a piglet

Jaylen holding a piglet. It wasn't happy and was squealing very loudly!

Mr. Norment with a piglet.

Will holding the piglet.

David's turn to hold it!

The farmer explaining composting to our group.

This dog made us laugh as it was walking the goat on it's leash.

More composting

Organic pineapples being grown

The farmer showed us plants used as antibiotics, insect repellent, and more.

Pepper being grown.

Learning about pepper (this is the pepper we use as a seasoning).

Chili peppers being grown.

Pepper close up.

Banana tree

Making friends with the goat

Our awesome boys!

Will with a nice flower Javier picked up off the ground.